
Apr 23, 2014

My Pink Lipstick

其實... ...除了YSL的口紅
我還有另外3支唇筆和口紅   哈哈哈哈哈
先來說分享一下 露華濃 最新款的  戀愛持色潤唇筆-炫亮版

NEW! Revlon ColorBurst™ Lacquer Balm

Apr 22, 2014

Miss Hana VS Sephora eyeliner pen *Miss Hana VS 美國Sephora自家眼綫筆*

Hello guys,
Let's share about these 3 eyeliner pens today!
Before start,do welcome to read 7 different eyeliner i shared before :D

在這之前可以去看看我之前分享的 7款眼綫武器大評比 7 eyeliner weapons comparison!

Apr 17, 2014

微雜記 mirco za blang "monthly"

分享一下這幾個月的life 吧!
是說這冰淇淋也太浪漫了吧   *笑*
黑巧克力口味的是完全苦呀!  *愛心*

Apr 12, 2014

YSL - The King of Lipstick * YSL 口紅之王* 我的本命口紅呀!

Hello guys! 
I'm so happy to get my YSL lipsticks #105 - Corail Hold Up
 since there's no stock in WORLDWIDE last month
due to the Korean Drama 별에서온그대 My Love from the Star

Accroding to a korean blogger - YouWin金老佛爺 who now stay in Taiwan,
this colour is TOP SEARCH in Korea and 
when I visited YSL Singapore,the salesperson also admit all the Korean girl looking for #105 !
Also,I bought back the new released Lovely Doll - Kiss & Blush #8 - Pink Hedoniste !
It just released a week in Singapore!!! Woohoooo!
YSL Singapore are the first importer than others Asia country as per Salesperson!
*my eyes very shape har! Spot on the new item and can't ignore it... :p*
因爲終于買到了我的YSL #105!!! 傳説中 買到全球斷貨的千頌伊口紅!!!
我是看了金老佛爺的網志才知道#105在韓國根本是top search!
結果我上個月慢很多拍才去新加坡的YSL詢問,怎知完全斷貨,也太傷心了... ..
去買的時候還“不小心”瞄到新上架的產品!然後就失手...買了... ...

Apr 4, 2014

來自韓國的麵包店The cafe from Korea~Paris Baguette~

Paris Baguette 是來自韓國的 Cafe
在韓國隨處可見, 可是在新加坡目前爲止只有4間
- 烏節路的Wisma Atria  
- 裕廊西的Jems
- 樟宜機場
-淡濱尼的Tampines Mall