這是今天去看醫生後 不小心手滑買的XD

Watson 的櫻花去角質霜 之後會發開箱文
韓系面膜 日後會分享面膜評比
最近愛上了 紫馨 的紅豆抹茶麵包

Before I share the make up tutorial,let me share what i bought today,kekeke
Went to visit the chinese medicine doctor this morning and accidentally bought these stuffs XD

April Popteen by chinese version(*cough*this is March popteen,right?)
Watson brand Sakura Bella body scrub,will share it in future.
Korea mask,i will share a entry about masks after i used all ;)
And recently,i fall in love with Lavender's Maccha red bean toast


拍完後 就去逛逛這樣 哇哈哈哈
好啦 先這樣咯~~~ bye

Btw,gonna going to Singapore next week for photo shooting my little boyfriend

After that will going to shopping alone,muahahaha
Okay,that's all,see you!!! bye

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